Meteor is a full stack JS framework: JS is used on the server side as well as on the client side. This allows a code mutualisation between this generally separated world. Meteor really shines in its way of handling this mutualisation. It allows you to specify where your code will be used. It relies on a Node and MongoDB.In October 2013, Emily Stark, one of the core developper behind Meteor, has presented at the Asia JSConf 2013 a nice tutorial. I simply provides hereafter the transformed files in CoffeeScript, Jade and Stylus that will help you out understanding and playing with it while watching the associated video:
First, you need a running installation of MongoDB and Node. On OSX, it is done using Homebrew:brew install mongodb nodeNow, it is time to import Meteor:
curl | shNote: The regular installation through NPM does not import the sample application for the generators. Therefore, I recommend using the regular automated shell script.
Meteor comes with an handy package management named Meteorite and its official repository Atmosphere. In essence, its purpose is to handle all packages that merges the world of the server side, NPM, and the world of the client, Bower. It is installed as regular Node package:
npm install -g meteorite
Preparing the playground
Now create a sample app:mrt create JsConfAsia cd JsConfAsia
Remove unused package and add some nice other ones:
mrt remove autopublish mrt add meteor-jade mrt add meteor-coffeescript mrt add meteor-bootstrap-3 mrt add meteor-stylusJust remove the created file, that we are going to recreate:
rm JsConfAsia.*
Replacing the files
Now, in order to better follow the nice video, I propose you this set of simple file:JsConfAsia.styl
body font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif p margin: 0 padding: 0 li padding-bottom: 5px
head title JsConfAsia body .container +header +talksList template(name='header') h2 Judge talks h3 Be ruthless template(name='talksList') ul each talks li p: <strong>#{title}</strong> by #{speaker} (#{votes} votes) .btn-group.btn-group-sm button.btn.btn-success.upvote <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up"></span> +1 button.btn.btn-danger.downvote <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-down"></span> -1
Talks = new Meteor.Collection 'talks' Meteor.methods upvote: (talkId) -> talk = Talks.findOne talkId Talks.update talkId, {$set: {votes: talk.votes + 1}} downvote: (talkId) -> talk = Talks.findOnedOne talkId if talk.votes isnt 0 Talks.update talkId, {$set: {votes: talk.votes - 1}} if Meteor.isServer Meteor.publish 'talks', -> Talks.find() else if Meteor.isClient Meteor.subscribe 'talks' Template.talksList.talks = -> Talks.find {}, {sort: {votes: -1}} 'click .upvote': -> 'upvote', @_id 'click .downvote': -> 'downvote', @_id
Adding some sample data into MongoDB
Meteor eases the use of MongoDB shell with this little command:
mrt mongoNow, simply cut and paste the following value:
db.talks.insert({title: "Clone Toy Story in 24h with CSS", speaker: "Lea Verou", votes: 0}); db.talks.insert({title: "Enhance! Enhance!", speaker: "That Adobe guy", votes: 0}); db.talks.insert({title: "Templates: the child of Satan", speaker: "Peter Hunt", votes: 0});To exit and come back to your shell CLI, hit the classic key stroke: ctrl+c.
Execute Meteor
Just execute the basic command:
mrtAnd open your browser of choice on http://localhost:3000.
This should provide the following reactive and multi-users web app in less than 100 lines of codes:
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