Velocity.js is a new animation library in JS. It acts as a replacement of jQuery's animation library. Internally, it uses the CSS3 transformation and animation properties leveraging their hardware acceleration capabilities where possible and falling back on basic jQuery's animation when they are not available. Neat. Here is a small video of a simple animation developed by its creator:
Doing front end development with Meteor is so easy that I've recreated this demo and deployed it in less than one hour. Here is the result:
Step-by-step recreation
Create a basic Meteor application:
mrt create Velocity3dDemo
cd Velocity3dDemo
rm -rf Velocity3dDemo*
title Velocity 3D demo
#welcome No WebGL. No Canvas. Just pure DOM.
a#logo(href='') Velocity.js
Create the CoffeeScript file client/
Template.index.rendered = ->
# Device detection
isWebkit = /Webkit/i.test navigator.userAgent
isChrome = /Chrome/i.test navigator.userAgent
isMobile = window.ontouchstart isnt undefined
isAndroid = /Android/i.test navigator.userAgent
isIE = document.documentMode
# Redirection
if isMobile and isAndroid and not isChrome
alert 'Use Chrome on Android'
# Helpers
# Randomly generate an integer between 2 numbers.
r = (min, max) ->
Math.floor(Math.random() * (1 + max - min)) + min
# Dot creation
# Differentiate dot counts on based on device and browser capabilities
dotsCount = if isMobile then (if isAndroid then 40 else 60) else ( if isChrome then 175 else 125)
dotsHtml = ''
for i in [0..dotsCount]
dotsHtml += '<div class="dot"></div>'
$dots = $ dotsHtml
# Setup
$container = $ '#container'
$welcome = $ '#welcome'
screenWidth = window.screen.availWidth
screenHeight = window.screen.availHeight
chromeHeight = screenHeight - (document.documentElement.clientHeight or screenHeight)
translateZMin = - 725
translateZMax = 600
containerAnimationMap =
perspective: [215, 50]
opacity: [0.90, 0.55]
# IE10+ produce odd glitching issues when you rotateZ on a parent element subjected to 3D transforms.
containerAnimationMap.rotateZ = [5, 0] if not(isIE)
# Animation
# Fade out the welcome message.
opacity: [0, 0.65]
display: 'none'
delay: 3500
duration: 1100
# Animate the dot's container.
.css 'perspective-origin', "#{screenWidth/2}px #{(screenHeight*0.45)-chromeHeight}px"
.velocity containerAnimationMap, {duration: 800, loop: 1, delay: 3250}
# Special visual enhancement for WebKit browsers which are faster at box-shadow manipulation
($dots.css 'boxShadow', '0px 0px 4px 0px #4bc2f1') if isWebkit
translateX: [
-> '+=' + r -screenWidth/2.5, screenWidth/2.5
-> r 0, screenWidth
translateY: [
-> '+=' + r -screenHeight/2.75, screenHeight/2.75
-> r 0, screenHeight
translateZ: [
-> '+=' + r translateZMin, translateZMax
-> r translateZMin, translateZMax
opacity: [
-> Math.random()
-> Math.random() + 0.1
duration: 6000
easing: 'easeInOutsine'
.velocity 'reverse', {easing: 'easeOutQuad'}
opacity: 0
duration: 2000
complete: ->
.html "<a href=''>Watch the making of this demo.</a><br /><br />Go create something amazing.<br />Sincerely, <a href=''>@Shapiro</a>"
opacity: 0.75
duration: 3500
display: 'block'
.appendTo $container
Launch it:
Publish it:
mrt deploy
Side note: I've just redeploy this little web app with a link to Meteor. My browser was on the page. Automatically, my browser has been informed that a new release of the code was available. It has only reloaded the modified assets. This is the incredible power of the live reload even when your apps are deployed. Amazing.
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