A week ago, Raix, the author of Famono package used for integrating Require.js and with Meteor.js, has published a new release that simplifies greatly the integration.
I was willing to demonstrate just that when a nice demo of's physic engine has shown up on my radar: So why not demonstrating both?
You can access the live demo here:
You can also clone the code repository from Github:
Note for Chrome users on OSX : The current release of Chrome, the 36, has a bug that stops the demo running after ~1-2s. This bug is fixed in Chrome Canary version 37. I didn't see it on the current Chrome for Android or iOS. Firefox and Safari work well on OSX.
I was willing to demonstrate just that when a nice demo of's physic engine has shown up on my radar: So why not demonstrating both?
You can access the live demo here:
You can also clone the code repository from Github:
Note for Chrome users on OSX : The current release of Chrome, the 36, has a bug that stops the demo running after ~1-2s. This bug is fixed in Chrome Canary version 37. I didn't see it on the current Chrome for Android or iOS. Firefox and Safari work well on OSX.
Preparing your development environment
So, lets get down to business. The first step is to create the app:
mrt create FamousBubble cd FamousBubble rm -rf FamousBubble.* mkdir -p client/stylesheets client/startup client/views mrt add coffeescript mrt add stylus mrt add jade mrt add famono
For the imported Require.js package, I keep it at the bare minimum. Famono places the imported packages from a file called
:{ "famous": { "git": "" }, "famousPolyfills": { "git": "" } }This has not changed from the early version.
Linking with Meteor.js
In Famono, what has changed is the way you require your dependencies. Theclient/startup/
is greatly reduced:# This is equivalent to: require 'famousPolyfills' famousPolyfills # Identically, this is equivalent to: require 'famous.core.famous' famous.core.famous # Declaring the main context window.mainCtx = famous.core.Engine.createContext()
Everything is now imported into the main context of Meteor.js. There is no more boilerplate code.
Our main Jade file,
stays unchanged:head title - Physic demo meta(name='viewport', content='width=device-width, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no') meta(name='mobile-web-app-capable', content='yes') meta(name='apple-mobile-web-app-capable', content='yes') meta(name='apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style', content='black') body +index template(name='index')
The Styus file,
, is also unchanged:@import nib html font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif * -webkit-user-drag: none body -webkit-user-callout: none user-select: none background-color: #FF851B
Like the former file, the associated CoffeeScript file
to the index
template is almost unchanged either:Template.index.rendered = -> $(document).ready -> window.appView = new AppView() mainCtx.add appView appView.addDragger() appView.addBubbles()
Easier subclassing
As the's University told us, you create your views by inheriting from's ones. With Famono, it is now simplified. Here the code for theAppView
, client/views/
that we just call in the previous file, the index
template:class @AppView extends famous.core.View DEFAULT_OPTIONS: numBodies: 10 gravity: [0, 0.0015, 0] constructor: (@options)-> @constructor.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = @DEFAULT_OPTIONS super @options surf = new famous.core.Surface size: [400, 400] properties: backgroundColor: '#FFDC00' borderRadius: '8px' mod = new famous.core.Modifier origin: [.5, .5] @add(mod).add surf @gravity = new famous.physics.forces.Force @options.gravity @ceiling = new famous.physics.constraints.Wall normal: [0, 1, 0] distance: 200 restitution: 0 @floor = new famous.physics.constraints.Wall normal: [0, -1, 0] distance: 200 restitution: 0 @left = new famous.physics.constraints.Wall normal: [1, 0, 0] distance: 200 restitution: 0 @right = new famous.physics.constraints.Wall normal: [-1, 0, 0] distance: 200 restitution: 0 @pe = new famous.physics.PhysicsEngine() @collision = new famous.physics.constraints.Collision restitution: 0 @bubbleBodies = [] famous.inputs.GenericSync.register 'mouse': famous.inputs.MouseSync 'touch': famous.inputs.TouchSync addDragger: -> @dragger = new Dragger() @pe.addBody @dragger.body (@_add @dragger.state).add @dragger.shape sync = new famous.inputs.GenericSync ['mouse', 'touch'] @dragger.shape.pipe sync sync.on 'update', (data) => @dragger.position[0] +=[0] @dragger.position[1] +=[1] @dragger.body.setPosition @dragger.position addBubble: (i) => bubble = new Bubble() @pe.addBody bubble.body bubble.state.transformFrom => @gravity.applyForce bubble.body bubble.body.getTransform() (@add bubble.state).add bubble.shape @pe.attach [@right, @left, @floor, @ceiling], bubble.body (@pe.attach @collision, @bubbleBodies, bubble.body) if i > 0 @pe.attach @collision, [bubble.body], @dragger.body @bubbleBodies.push bubble.body addBubbles: -> [0...@options.numBodies].map (i) => famous.utilities.Timer.setTimeout (@addBubble.bind @, i), 1000As you can see it, the inheritance from a's
does not require you to wait for to be loaded in your document. Additionally, the require step has been greatly simplified. Calling any class provided by is done with a simple namespaced call.I've create 2 more classes. The first one,
concerns the little dragging bubble used to play with the blue bubbles:class @Dragger RADIUS: 30 constructor: -> @shape = new famous.core.Surface size: [2 * @RADIUS, 2 * @RADIUS] properties: border: '2px solid #FF4136' borderRadius: "#{2 * @RADIUS}px" backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)' @body = new famous.physics.bodies.Circle radius: @RADIUS mass: 5 @position = [0, 0] @state = new famous.core.Modifier origin: [.5, .5] transform: => famous.core.Transform.translate @position[0], @position[1], 0
The second one,
concerns the bubble themselves: class @Bubble constructor: -> radius = famous.math.Random.integer 20, 60 @shape = new famous.core.Surface size: [radius * 2, radius * 2] properties: backgroundColor: '#7FDBFF' border: '3px solid #0074D9' borderRadius: "#{radius}px" @body = new famous.physics.bodies.Circle radius: radius, mass: 2 @state = new famous.core.Modifier origin: [.5, .5]